The purpose of this little tool is to help you keep track of all your appointments. The native calendar also provides an alert function, but it is very limited. Using BrightReminder is simple: all you need to do to be reminded about a calendar entry is adding a "!" at the beginning of the title (e.g. change "My appointment" to "!My appointment").Once the time is reached, a little bell icon is displayed in the "notification area" (the top bar on the display).When you select the item, details are displayed and you can either snooze the item (some minutes, some days, some weeks, until a specified weekday or date, etc.) or dismiss the item.This is much more useful than the existing alert which will start ringing once the time is reached. Without BrightReminder, you can only snooze for a fixed time without options (like 30 minutes) or dismiss, so youd likely dismiss the item, but then the reminder is gone and you may forget about the event. BrightReminder just shows the bell icon without ringing and allows flexible snooze times.BrightReminder is also very useful for tasks. Here are some examples: - birthdays (where you e.g. want to call the person or write a mail) - a doctors appointment that you need every year - tax papers that you need to fill out every year - get new tires for your car - get a new ID card every 5 years - buy tickets to a concert that youve just heard about on the radio With BrightReminder, youll be reminded and can snooze the item until its done.